Japanese Deer Bows Before Cakes || ViralHog

Occurred on May 19, 2023 / Todaiji Temple, Nara, Japan “It seems that deer are merely a tourist attraction. But for us Japanese, the deer of Nara represent an important divine figure, 'messengers of the gods', and as such have been protected by the people since ancient times. Since the Muromachi period (1336-1573), anyone who killed a deer was sentenced to death. The number of deer declined dramatically before and after the Meiji Restoration and for a time during the postwar Showa period due to disease and poaching, but it was always protected by the local institution. The gesture of giving the cakes seems superficial, but only prefecture-authorized cakes can be given to deer, and part of the proceeds go to deer protection.“ Contact licensing@ to license this or any ViralHog video. ViralHog is based in Bozeman, Montana, USA. Make money from your videos! Submit footage here: Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube