Cerbul alungă pe bursuc / The stag chases the badger

Cerbul alungă pe bursuc / The stag chases the badger #wildbucovina #wildlife #cerb #stag #bursuc #badgers #badger Urmărește live aici: / Watch live here: ✔️Poți susține prin / You can support by: 1. Donate here: 2. IBAN account: RO56RNCB0236147465260001 opened at the BCR bank, Campulung Moldovenesc Branch. The SWIFT code for BCR – Banca Comerciala Romana is RNCBROBUXXX 3. PayPal: 4. Patreon: 5. Join: ✔️Thank you! ✔️Daca v-a placut acest stream live ma puteti ajuta cu un LIKE (sau DISLIKE) precum si cu un comentariu mai jos (pe care il voi citi) sau cu un share catre un prieten. ✔️If you liked this stream live, you can help me with a LIKE (or DISLIKE) as well as a comment below (which I will read) or a share to a friend. ✔️Cine suntem noi / Who are we?: Copyright © by Wild Bucovina Association ✔️Bucovina / Romania