Kinross & District Pipe Band march on playing Rose of Allendale during 2023 Crieff Highland Games

Kinross & District Pipe Band, led by Pipe Major Stuart Scott, march into the Games field playing Rose of Allendale as they start their display during the 2023 Crieff Highland Games. These were held on Sunday 20th August 2023 in Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland. Kinross & District were awarded the Best Band award during these Games. There were six bands taking part in the Games, each having marched through Crieff to the Games and then around the arena before the Chieftain, Frank Duncan, a local resident and former Director of the Crieff Highland Gathering. The first Crieff Highland Gathering was in 1870 and the Games continue to be the major annual local and tourist attraction in the area. Around 6000 people attend this wonderful day, which includes a full programme of traditional Highland games competitions, individual and massed Pipe Band displays, special attractions including visiting International acts from the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and top class traditional music in the Aldi Arena area of the Park.