1991-03-31 escapes from reality

...We should feel our surrender as a great blessing. If you can put your attention to your heart and just say that, “I surrender myself,“ that's more than sufficient. But you shouldn't say that, “Mother, please help me to surrender.“ How can Mother help? All these prayers sometimes are escapes from reality. “You just help me. Help me in this.“ To surrender is very easy. You just you have to say, “Mother, come in my heart, and come in my head, and come in my attention.“ That's all. Go on saying like that, “Please come in my body. Come in my head. And come in my attention.“ And, as you go on saying, Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely. She's the one who cleanses you. All the time She's cleansing your chakras. But problem is you always spoil it, again and again. Poor thing again and again rises and does that. So all these problems are because we are not introspective...