
🔥VYSOKÉ ZLOČINY🔥 Tu je Robert D. Steele, ktorý pred niekoľkými rokmi v komisii ITNJ vysvetľoval globálne účinky obchodovania s deťmi, ako sa rozšírilo a aké budúce ciele sa Komisia snaží dosiahnuť pri ukončení tejto záležitosti. Ďalej zahŕňa zapojenie vládnych ministerstiev USA, ako je FBI, CIA, DOJ, ďalšie tajné spravodajské komunity, zapojenie Deep State Cabal, zapojenie legitímnych organizácií a podnikov, zapojenie pedofílie, odoberanie orgánov, satanizmus. rituálna vražda, PizzaGate a konzumácia Adrenochrómu vo svojej diskusii. 🔥HIGH CRIMES🔥 Here is Robert D. Steele, a few years ago, at the ITNJ Commission explaining the global effects of child trafficking, how it expanded, and the future goals the Commission seeks to achieve in ending the matter. He goes on to include the involvement of US government departments such as the FBI, CIA, DOJ, other Secret Intelligence Communities, the involvement of the Deep State Cabal, the involvement of legitimate organizations and businesses, the involvement of pedophilia, organ harvesting, satanic ritualistic murder, PizzaGate and the consumption of Adrenochrome in his discussion. MARTIAL LAW OR JUSTICE & FREEDOM WILL NEVER EVER RETURN AGAIN TREASON CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY GENOCIDE TERRORISM HIGH CRIMES 🔥HUMAN TRAFFICKING 🔥HUMAN FARMING 🔥CHILD SEX | PEDOPHILIA 🔥ADRENOCHROME GLOBALISTS are SATANISTS GLOBALISTS are TERRORISTS WHERE THEY GO ONE THEY GO ALL TO TRIBUNAL @TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE supported by @GitmoTV