SPEED(스피드) _ That’s my fault (슬픈약속) (Drama Ver.) MV

:: iTunes DL : *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) 'That's my fault' is a minor medium tempo song themed Mandorin and each member's rap works along well with it. It describes a man who is heartbroken after a breakup. The title song is made by DoubleKick, who produced great songs for '4minute' ,'Afterschool' and 'Dal Shabet', and this time they are attracting lots of interest with their new song. ▶ LOENMUSIC FB : ▶ LOENMUSIC TW : SPEED(スピード) _ That's my fault (スルプンヤクソク:悲しい約束) (Dance Ver.) MV 「悲しい約束」{