Sambo man in bjj tournament. The first bjj competition for Ivan Vasylchuk. Sambo academy

Me and my team wanted to improve the quality of our videos, help us understand what you would like to watch? 👉 Medal matches 🤙 at Master International Jiu Jitsu Championship - Europe 2022 was my first BJJ tournament as well as first competition in 5 years. I selected a new goal - BJJ black belt. But the main task for this tournament was implementing my Sambo base in the new training process. I made a decision to wrestle in accordance with prepared plan and not to deviate from chose tactics: one grip, one throw and an arm bar. Whether it was effective or not is seen in this video. Leave your comment - that’s my best motivation for channel development and watch till the end. Become the best with the best! Ivan Vasylchuk - Sambo Academy 👉 subscribe 👉 Mission of the