Tilting Tragedy - The Advanced Passenger Train (APT)

Hello all! :D In perhaps the greatest tragedy in British railway history, the Advanced Passenger Train or APT was an experimental tilting train which was unbearably close to becoming a success, and could have easily paved the way not only for the improvement of high speed services within the UK, but could have been the barnstormer for a range of export models with the potential of revolutionising train travel across the world. Instead, poor management, a condemning national press, and a disinterested government, conspired to destroy the APT as it edged oh so very close to being mechanically perfect, and with a little bit more funding and commitment could have attained the goal originally proposed by British Rail back in the 1960s, but with its fate decided by far greater powers, what was meant to be the pioneering new face of railway technology instead became an embarrassment to both BR and the prestige of UK technology as a whole, with future rail operators in Britain ending up buying back