Autism doesn’t make me suffer, you do | Autism Acceptance Month 2020

[PLEASE READ] First time ever I've tried out the autofocus on my camera and it's decided that my background is a lot more interesting than me... hence, making me slightly blurry for the entirety of this video, sorry! I deleted a thing from the end there to cover my butt, let me just suggest you google “autism speaks hategroup“, thank you! I'll get a video on that topic done at some point as well! This is very much focussed on my personal experience and what I've read and heard from people in the communnity over the years. I am in no way an expert, but I do live this life. So take it as you will. And I definitely forgot to mention a thing or two, especially that it IS very important to learn coping mechanisms, like being able to deal with loud noises, like in a supermarket. However, the ways in which we deal with things like that is often deemed to be “wrong“ by allistic people, because they see it as not socially acceptable (i.e. wearing headpho