Halindir - City of The Inhumi

Halindir - City of The Inhumi “I only know that he lay dying in the lander, and that he silenced its monitor so that he might die in peace. A terrible yearning for the life he was to lose came upon him when the monitor had gone. He took off the ring Seawrack had given him not so very long before, and clasping it between hands that had been thick and strong implored every god he could call to mind to send a Neighbor to heal him. None came, and his legs were cold and dead. He felt the thirst of death, and it seemed to him at that moment that he had been cheated, that all his sons should be at his deathbed, and Nettle, who had been his wife, and Seawrack herself.“ - Gene Wolfe, In Green's Jungles This piece can be downloaded for free via the following link: