Boris Kagarlitsky and the challenges of the left today: International conference

Ever defiant in the face of repression and a five-year jail term, Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia’s best-known socialist thinker, has just published his latest book, The Long Retreat: Strategies to Reverse the Decline of the Left. This special online conference in Kagarlitsky’s honour will address the double aspect of his contribution: his wide-ranging analysis of the left’s dilemmas in the face of multiple global crises and the advance of the far right; and his resistance. Full schedule of the conference: Follow the campaign here: Donate to the Left Political Prisoners Fund: Help Rabkor to continue working: Конференция, организованная комитетом поддержки Бориса Кагарлицкого, посвящена его вкладу в анализ положения левых сил в мире. Участие примут: Нэнси Фрейзер, Григорий Юдин, Илья Будрайтскис, Илья Матвеев, Анна Очкина, Патрик Бонд, Алекс Каллиникос, Роберт Бреннер,