[찬백-CHANBAEK] Love is alive in me (How Chanyeol looks at baekhyun - New moments)

🚫WARNING - long rant ahead🚫 Hi guys!! First of all,THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBERS! It means a lot to me and I read every single comments of you guys and I swear they are my mood makers, your beautiful comments make my days. Thank you for this too. Why I am doing these videos is becuz of Chanbaek and my fellow chanbaekists. Someone commented in my vid before that I can't convince her that chanbaek might be left me like 'What?' Firstly, I am not trying to convince anyone and I am not making up stories or leading you guys wrong. I just showed what I see and it is up to you that you buy them or not. Tbh wheneva I make new videos, I think of my fellow chanbaekists,like when they have bad days and my vids can make them feel better or give some reasons to smile, this thought keeps me going. So never think that I am trying hard in making these vids just to convince someone out there who dun even support chanbaek. If someone starts liking chanbaek cuz of m