Hindu Holocaust Under British Regime | Sagas Of Bhārat | #SangamTalks

Do you know? There were about 31 artificial Indian Famines under British Rule that killed almost 15 million Indians. While at the same time 3 lakh tonnes of wheat were exported from Deccan plateau to England. In 1899-1900, the monsoon rains failed in central India causing drought to parch crops impacting almost 60 million people. Despite the fact that Britain had been looting India for more than a century, The British Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, was concerned with his budget & feared that aid to the starving would cause them to become dependent on hand-outs. The British stood aside & allowed millions of people in the British Raj to starve to death. What more cruel was that the “white” tourists started pouring in like vulture seeking thrilles at photographing the misery of our people. The invention of highly portable box cameras allowed tourists to record the sights. Speaker: Sagas Of Bharat Twitter: