Naomi and David spent all day together! Cute baby video

Naomi and David spent all day together! Cute baby video — Please, subscribe to our channel Instagram Naomi: Facebook Naomi: Instagram David: Facebook David: New video 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - We go to the parking 00:50 - We are sitting in the car 01:15 - Our way to the beach 03:26 - Naomi goes to the beach and met the dog 03:42 - We are on the beach 04:19 - We go to the supermarket 07:51 - We buy pizza In this video there were such things and brands: 00:16 Cruiser Veer 00:34 Bib Burberry, Crocs, sundress Gucci 00:52 Carseat Cybex 04:43 Stroller Doona Video filmed on: Shot on GoPro //168