GNOSIS - Sci-Fi Horror Short

Hey everyone, Zach here. I'm just a guy who loves diving into wild theories and exploring the edges of what we think we know. In this video, I wanted to explore a world where quantum physics cracks open the door to other dimensions. Could our notion of 'spiritual' simply be our limited understanding of extra-dimensional realities? This video blends sci-fi vibes with some questions about consciousness, reality, and what might be lurking just out of sight. I'm not saying I know the truth - honestly, but I think reality might be way stranger than any of us have been led to believe. If this kind of stuff gets your gears turning, you might want to check out: Quantum consciousness theories Gnostic teachings (old school, but surprisingly relevant) The Apocryphon of John (seriously, give it a read) Prison Planet Theory (let's hope this is not the case) Remember, the point isn't to believe everything you hear, but to question what you think you know. As the ancien