Necessity and free will as the archetypes of the collective and individuum

THE ALCHEMY, COSMOLOGY AND PSYCHOANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUATION an online seminar series in the academic year 2024/2025 by ddr. Matjaž Regovec, PhD, DFAstrolS, DPsychAstrol, qualified psychoanalyst October 5, 2024: *Necessity and free will as the archetypes of the collective and individuum* In the introductory seminar on the individuation process, we are going to focus on the concepts of the necessity and free will, which are the important precursors of man as an individual and the collective in the (post)modern times. We are going to look at the planetary archetypes of fate and free will and how does their dynamics help to reveal our individual destiny as symbolised by our natal charts, or cosmograms as maps of our own authentic self-unfoldment and ways to personal prosperity. In the latter part of the seminar, we are going to work individually with the IPAL Method.