остров Кюрасао, куклы Chichi.

This video shows the production process of our sculptures from beginning to end. We wanted to share all the love and care we put in each and every sculpture. Chichi® is the loving household name for the eldest sister in the traditional Curaçao family structure. The Chichi® takes care of the younger children, does chores, cooks and feeds the kids and makes sure they do their homework. That’s a BIG responsibility for the BIG sister. Chichi® is the family’s rock. In many families both parents have to work while the single parent family is still the biggest demographic. Chichi® is an expression of BIG love, BIG care and BIG responsibility. By portraying the BIG togetherness in the round and playful forms, artist Serena Israel gives homage to these soulful eldest sisters in Curacao’s culture. You can find the song lyrics underneath. Chichi® Film by: Caribbean Legacy Music by: Kuenta i Tambu Song: Ban selebr'e Youtube link: