Oda Katsuo, Hakone Demo Uncut

This video was shot in 2002 when Oda-sensei was 60 years old. Videographer not known. This is Oda Katsuo, iaido hachidan hanshi and kendo nanadan kyoshi from Osaka, Japan. Oda-sensei is what I would consider a second generation iaido practitioner in the storied Yaegakikai tradition of Osaka. As many would know, Osaka is considered a major center of iaido development arguably second to that of the historic Kochi/Tosa region. As with my own teacher, Oda-sensei studied iaido at the Shumphukai in Osaka, run by what was said to be a rather tough policeman named Sakamoto Kichiro. Osaka-based Eishinryu, the characteristics of which exceeds the scope of the limited space here, generally falls into one of two categories: the strict Tanimura-ha centric style of the seito or orthodox line underlying the Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei, and a similar though somewhat more dynamic style of the Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei. Oda-sensei's style is of the latter. Oda-sensei was a frequent traveller to Europe and North America. Outside of Japan, his style is perhaps most prevalent in Belgium and some neighboring countries.