Newtierra - Dance

«I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last» Follow Newtierra: Website: Facebook: VKontakte: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Stay f(LUCK)ing Crazy! Psychiatrists worked on this proc: • Composer-arranger, recording, mixing, mastering, sound producer - Arthur Stepanov • Camera operator - Dmitriy Lemaykin • Choreographer - Kulikova Ekaterina • Pyrotechnician - Igor Shumbasov • Artists - Kulikova Ekaterina, Kuzmenko Alena, Zanina Maria, Zaikin Evgeniy • Text author, editor - Yuliya Tyurina Newtierra Asylum expresses gratitude to all the staff involved in the creation of this proc: Ekaterina Statsenko. © 2024 Newtierra. All rights reserved. #newtierra #metalmusic #rockmusic #alternative #screamo #dance