Avgvstvs - Epic Symphony

Music composed by Farya Faraji. This is basically the “sequel“ to my previous symphony on Caesar, and completes it as “Part 2“ of that story. Just like that one, the goal here was to utilise the format of long-form symphonies to tell the story of the rise of Gaius Octavius, who would become the successor to Caesar, and ultimately, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. The music is fundamentally modern, but utilises primarily Ancient Roman instruments and aspects of their music theory, such as their modal framework, like in the strong presence of the chromatic modes of Ancient Roman music, so think of this as modern music with an actual Ancient Roman musical emphasis. The instruments used are the ancient lyres, aulos, pan flute, drums, cymbals, along with modern orchestral sounds. Leitmotifs used: • Caesar's Leitmotif: from Gaivs Ivlivs Caesar and Hymn of the Legion • The Republic's Leitmotif: from SPQR and Gaivs Ivlivs Caesar • Rome's leitmotif: from Roma, Fall