Alexander Sophiex Drum Show ||| Drum Solo on stage # 001

Alexander Sophiex Drum Show Alexander Sophiex playing: Gretsch - Drums Remo - Drumheads Sabian - Cymbals Pearl - Hardware === Sound === Midas M32 - Digital Console Mixer for Live Sound and Studio Recording Shure - Microphones Mastering – Sophiex Music Studio =========================== Alexander Sophiex – drummer, composer, artist and producer. Author drum school “System of saturated play “ on the drum-kit. Author of harmonizing music and painting, known around the world. Founder the charity Foundation – “Indigo Fund”. ______________________________________ Александр СОФИКС – барабанщик, композитор, художник, продюсер. Автор барабанной школы «Система насыщенной игры» на ударной установке. Автор гармонизирующей музыки и живописи, известной во всём мире. Основатель благотворительного фонда ИНДИГО ФОНД. Alexander Sophiex official website: Facebook Official Page Welcome to: Alexander Sophiex on iTunes Alexander Sophiex on Facebook - iTunes Alexander Sophiex on Spotify Alexander Sophiex on G+ Alexander Sophiex on Amazon =nb_sb_noss/182-5521498-3105909?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=alexander%20sophiex Alexander Sophiex YouTube Official channel ___________________________________________ Welcome to INDIGO FUND ! Charitable Fund to support Indigo people Arts -- Big and little Indigo Fund official website - Indigo Fund Facebook Official Page Vkontakte Official Page YouTube Official channel