Tywyll Heno - Casi Wyn (geiriau / lyrics)

Can/Song: Tywyll Heno (Dark Tonight) Canwr/Singer: Casi Wyn Lawrlwythwch y gan hon am ddim yma / Download the song for free here: Welsh Music Blog / Blog Cerddoriaeth Cymraeg: Twitter: #!/Welsh_Music Geiriau: Ei enaid yn gleisiau, a'i feddwl yn friwiau, ac er mor olau yw'r awyr mae o'n dywyll ei feddyliau. Mor fregus ei gamau, ansicr ei eiriau, mor uchel yw'r lleisiau sy'n llenwi ei ben. Does dim yma heno ond un aeth yn angof a'r cyfan mae hi'n adael yw eiliad o atgof. Mae tyllau mawr yn ei galon, a'r cariad sy'n dianc fel afon. Mae pawb sy' wedi trio wedi methu, unigedd fydd ei dynged gan hynny. Mor fregus ei gamau, ansicr ei eiriau, mor uchel yw'r lleisiau sy'n llenwi ei ben. Does dim yma heno ond un aeth yn angof a'r cyfan mae hi'n adael yw eiliad o atgof. Ac mae'r llais yng nghefn dy ben yn dy berswadio di i ddifaru, galaru am bopeth, am bopeth na fu. Mor fregus ei gamau, ansicr ei eiriau, mor uchel yw'r lleisiau sy'n llenwi ei ben. Does dim yma heno ond un aeth yn angof a'r cyfan mae hi'n adael yw eiliad o atgof. English Translation Lyrics: His soul is bruised, and his mind is wounded, and though the sky is bright, dark are his thoughts. So frail are his steps, uncertain his words, so loud are the voices that fill his head. There's nothing here tonight but the one who was forgotten and all that she left was a moment of a memory. There are large holes in his heart, and the love has fled like a river. Everyone who has tried has failed, solitude will be his fate now. So frail are his steps, uncertain his words, so loud are the voices that fill his head. There's nothing here tonight but the one who was forgotten and all that she left was a moment of a memory. And the voice in the back of your mind persuades you to regret, grieve for everything, for everything that never was. So frail are his steps, uncertain his words, so loud are the voices that fill his head. There's nothing here tonight but the one who was forgotten and all that she left was a moment of a memory.