JoLang Reaction to the song “Fight, dear...“ The wives and mothers of our fighters sing

Hello, JoLang is here again, and today I want to introduce you to the Song “Fight, dear...” sung by the wives and mothers of the fighters. What is this song about? Yes, the most important thing we all strive for on earth is Love. We all long for love, appreciation, security and peace. A very touching background story that touches us all. The laws of power and the path to perfection of human evolution are not so cordial. I would like to read out an appropriate quote from Sergey Yesenin: [Human! Think about your life when there are ominous wounds along the way. Rich man, look around you. Moans and crying drown out your joy. Joy is where no groans are heard at the threshold.] Let's hug and love each other and listen to this emotional song. Я хотел бы зачитать соответствующую цитату из: Сергей Есенин: [Человек! Подумай, что твоя жизнь, когда на пути зловещие раны. Богач, погляди вокруг тебя. Стоны и плач заглушают твою радость. Радость там