HoYoFair | Realm of Faith: Live Actually

In our technologically advanced modern society, the balance of life still depends upon the mysterious power of faith. As absurd truths come to light one after another, how will the idol group's members — new and old alike — unravel the mystery of the light of destiny? A fantastic journey about faith and liberation is about to begin. Watch more: <春華> Vocal: majiko 4s4ki ウォルピスカーター(Wolpis Carter) Lyric&Music&Arrange: 渡辺拓也(Takuya Watanabe)  Mix: サカタコスケ(Kosuke Sakata) <Musication> Vocal: 超学生(Chogakusei) 天月(Amatsuki) 96猫(96neko) Lyric&Music&Arrange: Ryo’LEFTY’Miyata Mix: kain by the courtesy of