Pat Shenshu point and rib area.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Backside: Pat Shenshu point Improve kidney function. Front: Pat the rib area. Dredge liver meridians, clean up liver garbage. 3-5 minutes a day. This is a relaxation exercise, usually at the end of the exercise, to relax the body, calm the mind, return to normal from the state of practice, from the state of special energy to normal. Please relax your arms when slapping, and clap naturally in front and back. Shenshu point is directly connected to the kidney, the energy is connected, this is an ancient Chinese classic practice, beating Shenshu point is helpful to kidney health. The rib area is the liver energy accumulation, if the liver produces garbage or lesions will directly react in the ribs, there will be pain, tightness feeling. There are also two important acupoints, Qimen point and Riyue point, which directly connect the liver and gallbladder. Beating the ribs will directly promote the energy circulation of the liver, help the return of fresh blood, and promote the cell renewal of the liver. The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly, if you do not have time, it is recommended to start daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest and most effective way. #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm #heathylifestyle #exercise #stretching #meridian #foryou #kidney #liver