Niels Wilhelm Gade : ELVERSKUD (1854)

Niels Wilhelm Gade (1817-1890) Elverskud (The Elf King's Daughter) Ballade efter danske Folkesagn for Soli, Kor og Orkeste, op. 30 (1851-54) Med tekst af Christina Kf. Moelbech, Carl Andersen & Gottlieb Siesbye. First performance : København, Musikforeningen, 30 marts 1854 00:00 - Prologue 03:16 - Part I On The Eve Of Oluf's Wedding 16:43 - Part II A Moonlit Night At The Fairy Hill 28:44 - Part III In The Morning At Oluf's Castle 42:50 - Epilogue Elverkongens Datter : Lisbeth Balslev, Soprano Moderen : Edith Guillaume, Mezzosoprano Oluf : Mikael Melbye, Baritono Canzone Choir & Collegium Musicum Frans Rasmussen, conductor LP. EMI. DMA 083 Recorded in Odd-Fellow Palaet, Copenhagen, March 1985 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The published music is exclusively meant for divulgation and not commercial purposes. Should anybody deem that the video appearing in this channel violates some copyright, please inform us immediately before submitting a claim to YouTube, and it will be our care to remove it