~【デレステ】安部菜々と一緒に『メルヘンデビュー!』踊ってみた。 - Niconico Video sm38972116

“Hello Hello, eternal ““19 years old““. This time, I love everyone ’s new year’s fresh combination with the Eternal ““17-year-old““ Idol Avenue Nana, ““Melchen Debut! I danced. The next work is scheduled for August (whether to dance with whom ...) Because your terminal is not yet compatible with Derester AR in iOS14, AR data borrowed to mobiusp-like (), marimo_b () . Thank you. ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー 【Idol Master Channel Official Twitter】 【Idol Master Official Twitter】 [Special site is here] ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー [I tried to dance] MYLIST / 66641173 ⇐ I tried to dance in the past from here! [I tried to sing] MYLIST / 6664190 【Twitter】 ⇒ Http: // 07/04/2021 08:00 Views 649“