René Descartes - Meditation #2 - I think, therefore, I am

I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone. This is a lecture video from Introduction to Philosophy. The lecture is about the second of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, originally published in Latin in 1641. In this medition Descartes finds the first thing that he thinks he can know for certain: that he exists. The famous phrase “Cogito Ergo Sum“ or “I think, therefore, I am“ does not actually appear in the meditations. But this is the meditation where Descartes makes that point. After demonstrating his own existence, Descartes claims that the kind of thing that he is is a thinking thing. He then discusses the nature of thought, and how his view of the human mind differs from Aristotle's conception. For the video about the first meditation: For m