SCP-8161-J (Pickle Surprise)

Item #: SCP-8161-J Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8161-J is contained on the Youtube channel “zombiemouse“ and is to remain active online for public view, indefinitely. No other containment procedures are required. If SCP-8161-J is removed from public view, or taken down from the internet entirely, an incident of SCP-8161-J-A will occur within 24 hours. The location of SCP-8161-J-A will occur near the area in which the video was last viewed. Description: SCP-8161-J is a youtube video published on June 8th, 2007. Details of its origin claim it was a creation by a man named Tom Rubnitz. After further investigation, it was discovered that Rubnitz was one of the earliest members of “Are We Cool Yet?“, though it is believed that he left the group in the late 1990s. If SCP-8161-J is not viewed by anyone for a period of approximately 50 days, a manifestation of SCP-8161-J-A will occur. SCP-8161-J-A is an 8-foot adult male with green skin, and an elongated head that resembles a giant pickle. SCP-8161-J-A has not caused any fatalities as of yet, however, it can cause mass confusion to a localized area. Anyone who sees SCP-8161-J-A will have an uncontrollable compulsion to eat a specifically prepared ham sandwich. The preparation of said sandwich can be observed through SCP-8161-J itself. If SCP-8161-J is viewed while SCP-8161-J-A is in its active state, SCP-8161-J-A will simply vanish from existence, and all local memetic properties will cease. Note: SCP-8161-J-A is not an official SCP. This is just a joke description for a youtube video.