福建#泉州一酒店倒塌#疑为新冠肺炎隔离点 # Quanzhou South Ring Road near a hotel collapse

[cp]【福建#泉州南环路附近一酒店倒塌#有人被埋 疑为新冠肺炎隔离点】3月7日,福建泉州一酒店发生坍塌事故,@新京报我们视频 多方核实,事发地疑似为新冠肺炎隔离点。据当地目击者称,坍塌的酒店名为欣佳酒店,有人遭到埋压。他还称,他在现场看到很多救护车和消防车赶来救援,救援工作正在进行。#泉州欣佳酒店# [/cp] [CP] [ # Quanzhou South Ring Road near a hotel collapse # someone is buried doubt on the new pneumonia isolated point】 7 March, Fujian Quanzhou a hotel collapsed accounted, @ Beijing Jones me long-term verification, the incident of the new ventricle pneumonia isolation point. According to local witnesses, the collapsed