【JAPANESE COMMUNIST SONG】Listen! Workers of the World (听吧! 万国的劳动者) w/ ENG lyrics

LYRICS IN THE DESCRIPTION 歌词见视频介绍 聞け!万国の労働者! Listen! Workers of the World! This is, or at least used to be, a famous Japanese left-wing song. Commonly sung among Japan's communists, socialists, name it. This is basically the Japanese equivalent of “The Red Flag“. Oh, you don't know what's “The Red Flag“ ? okay... This song borrows the tune of “Blood of the Amur River“ (アムール川の流血や, there's an English wikipedia article under the name “Amur gawa no ryuketsu ya“), the famous dormitory song of the First Higher School (today a part of the University of Tokyo), which in turn was based on the 1899 military song “Shōnan-kō“ (小楠公, about the story of Kusunoki Masatsura). It was given a new left-wing lyrics by Isamu Ōba (大場勇, a worker and socialist leader at Ikegai Iron Works) in 1922 during the Third Japanese May Day Convention, and then quickly caught on. It is worth noting that the original song, “Blood of the Amur River,“ the 1904 “Seiro uta“ (征露歌) and the WWII Japanese military song “Infantryman's Skills“ (歩兵の本領) all share the same tune of “Shōnan-kō“ and carry right-wing, nationalistic and imperialistic themes in their lyrics. However, despite having essentially the same music, “Listen! Workers of the World!“ is the complete opposite of those other works, calling for class struggle and workers' rights instead of imperial expansion and militarism. This is the true power of a lyricist at work. THIS VIDEO IS SOLELY DEDICATED TO THE ARTISTIC STUDY AND SHARING OF MUSIC INTENTIONALLY HOSTILE POLITICAL BS IS NOT WELCOMED 视频仅供对音乐艺术方面的学习分享 不欢迎任何以引战为目的的政治言论 LYRICS 聞け 万国の労働者 轟き渡るメーデーの 示威者に起る足どりと 未来をつぐる鬨の声 汝の部署を放棄せよ 汝の価値に目醒むべし 全一日の休業は 社会の虚偽をうつものぞ 永き搾取に悩みたる 無産の民よ 決起せよ 今や廿四時間の 階級戦は来りたり 起て労働者 奮い起て 奪い去られし生産を 正義の手もて 取り返せ 彼らの力何物ぞ 我等が歩武の先頭に 掲げられたる赤旗を 守れ メーデー労働者 守れ メーデー労働者 听吧 万国的劳动者 这五一节震天的轰鸣 是示威者前进的脚步 是向未来呐喊的呼声 把你手中的工作放弃 把你内在的价值唤醒 罢工休业一整日 向社会之虚伪反击 永久剥削压榨不可忍 无产人民决起 终来到 今时今日廿四时 阶级斗争已开始 起来劳动者们 快起来 夺回失去的生产资料 正义的手段 在我们一边 他们的力量便轻如尘埃 我等步伐的先头 是那飞舞的红旗 守住它 五一节的劳动者 守住它 五一节的劳动者 Listen, Workers of the World To the resounding furor of May Day This is the forward march of the protesters This is the roaring cry toward the future Put down the work in your hands Awaken your true merit inside Strike for an entire day Fight back against the society’s fake The anger under infinite exploitation Will only bring the Proletariat’s rise At twenty-four hours on each day Let us fight the war of Class Rise up Workers, rise up Take back our means of production The justice’s hands, they are on our side Then their power is nothing to fear Leading our marching footsteps The Red Flag is hoisted high Guard it, Workers of May Day Guard it, Workers of May Day Help us caption & translate this video!