Harold Lloyd - Help!

“Help!“ by the Beatles, with a Harold Lloyd montage. (includes some Jobyna Ralston, who was a leading lady for many of his films) Please check out my other short little Harold Lloyd tribute! I've loved Harold Loyd ever since I was young, when I first saw “Safety Last!“. My favourite movie of all is “The Kid Brother“: In THE KID BROTHER, Harold Hickory is the youngest son of Sheriff Hickory, the most important man in town. However, Sheriff Jim Hickory and his strong, manly sons Leo and Olin don't think much of the timid, adoring Harold. Left behind on everything big, it is up to Harold alone to use his wits to outsmart the villainous thieves who've stolen the treasury, stand up to the town bully, and win the love of the beautiful Mary. Filled with comedy, romance, drama, and character development, THE KID BROTHER is one of Harold Lloyd's finest and most iconic films, integrating the “ordinary boy“ who gets kicked around, but comes through due to his unfailing optimism and perseverance. -------- I had a rough time making this, for several reasons: 1) I'm not used to WMM 2) picking out shots from 8 movies is not easy 3) it was slowing down my computer with all the movies I narrowed it down from 30 minutes of footage to 5 minutes in my timeline, but this is sort of an abandoned project. I was running out of time to make this, and needed to free up my laptop again. Originally it was going to have a very strong Harold Lloyd / Jobyna Ralston element; in the films the “Girl“ is usually the one who provides the “Boy“ with the confidence he needs to stand up to the thugs and outsmart them. Also, the theme seemed to go very well with the “Help!“ song. But like I said, I ended up having to call it quits with WMM. Sadly, I wasn't able to put “Grandma's Boy“, “Why Worry?“, or “Dr. Jack“ in, like I wanted, but I was totally out of laptop space. We're talking like, less then 1 GB and a completely red meter bar. :P Movies included: An Eastern Westerner (1920) The Freshman (1925)* Girl Shy (1924) Hot Water (1924) The Kid Brother (1927) Safety Last! (1923) Speedy (1928) * Credits in video erroneously say “The Freshmen“ rather then the correct “The Freshman“