Johann Kapsberger: Toccata Arpeggiata; David Tayler, theorbo

Hi everyone~! Please consider a donation and we will make more videos like this one :) Please consider a donation, and we will make more videos like this one :) The Toccata Arpeggiata from Johann Kapsberger's Book I (Venice, 1604). Performed on the theorbo by David Tayler. Live video from the SF based Early Music Ensemble Voices of Music, from the Great Artists Series 2012. Musicological Notes: My reconstruction of the style of playing the lute in the first decade of the 17th century is based on a study of the many different musical genres from the time, including the keyboard and lute toccatas, the violin sonatas and the wide variety of vocal music, including the Littera Amorosa. Early keyboard and lute music reveals a dizzying array of arpeggiation patterns, with very few written-out works that use a relentless or uniform approach. Another feature of this early 17th century style is that the music almost alway