Bidens tripartita commonly known as three-lobe beggartick, three-part beggarticks, leafy-bracted

Bidens tripartita is a common and widespread species of plants in the sunflower family, Asteraceae, commonly known as three-lobe beggartick, three-part beggarticks, leafy-bracted beggarticks or trifid bur-marigold. It is native to much of Eurasia, North Africa, and North America, with naturalized populations in Australia and on some Pacific Islands. An annual plant. Taproot, highly branched, thin. The stem is solitary, erect, reddish, oppositely branched at the top, up to 100 cm high. Leaves are opposite, with short winged petioles, tripartite, with lanceolate serrate-toothed lobes (the middle lobe is larger), glabrous, dark green. Leaves are simple with a cut leaf blade: multiple pinnately dissected, opposite, short-petiolate or the uppermost simple with a whole leaf blade: elliptical or oblong, the edge is solid, the base is rounded, the apex is sharp, the venation is pinnate. Flowers are dirty yellow, all tubular, bisexual, collected in large, flat, single or several at the ends of the branches of the basket at the top of the stem and opposite axillary shoots, the wrapper of the basket is two-row: the outer one consists of 5-8 leaf-shaped oblong, short-pointed leaves exceeding the diameter of the baskets and protruding; inner, reddish, scarious, appressed leaves; the receptacle is seated with narrow membranous bracts, flowers instead of a calyx have 2-3 erect sharp-toothed bristles with hooked teeth, remaining with fruits. * P (5) A (5) G (2). Lower ovary. The fruit is obovate, wedge-shaped, flattened, with two serrated achene awns. Thanks to these awns, the fruits easily cling to animal hair, human clothing and are transported over long distances. Blooms from late June to September; fruits ripen in late September - October. Distributed in almost the entire European part of Russia, Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East. It grows along damp river banks, along reclamation canals, near ponds and lakes, in swamps, in ditches, where it often forms thickets. Scattered in meadows, like a weed in vegetable gardens and fields. The sequence is a warm and moisture-loving plant. In cold rainy springs, it grows slowly and develops poorly. From the leaves and flowers of the string, bright yellow, cream and brown dyes are obtained for dyeing silk and woolen fabrics. It is used in veterinary medicine. At a young age, it is well eaten by pigs. Autumn supporting melliferous plant, produces negligible amounts of nectar and pollen. One inflorescence releases mg of nectar [6]. Nectar productivity of 100 flowers in the south of the Far East is mg. Bees visit it willingly only in the period without tipping. Cultivated. The popularity of the string as a medicinal plant used to be so great that its harvesting in the 19th century was carried out in 29 provinces of Russia. Used only domestically; in the West, its therapeutic effect was not recognized, but it was actively used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, which recommended it for dysentery, eczema, and joint diseases. The herb of a string has diuretic and diaphoretic properties, improves digestion, normalizes impaired metabolism. The medicinal properties of the drugs of the series, to a certain extent, are apparently due to the presence of ascorbic acid and manganese, which are important in the physiological transformations of substances. Manganese ions in the composition of enzyme systems affect the processes of hematopoiesis, blood coagulability, and the activity of the endocrine glands. Herbal oil extracts, containing significant amounts of water-insoluble but highly fat-soluble carotene, have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Tannins, up to 66% of which are polyphenols, give the plant pronounced bactericidal properties. Prolonged, excessive use of a sequence can lead to the opposite results, especially in children’s practice - to an increase in nervous excitability and irritability, stool disturbance, a drop in blood pressure, and weakness. 高度分枝,薄。 茎单生,直立,淡红色,顶端对生,高达100厘米。 叶对生,具短翅叶柄,三裂,具披针形锯齿状裂片(中裂片较大),无毛,深绿色。 叶片单叶:多羽状分离,对生,短叶柄或最上端单叶,全叶:椭圆形或长圆形,边缘实心,基部圆形,先端尖,脉羽状。 花脏黄色,全管状,两性,大、平、单株或数株聚集在茎顶和对生腋芽的花篮末端,花篮的外皮为两行:外层由5-8片长圆形、尖尖的、超过篮子直径并突出的叶子组成;内部,带红色,干枯,贴伏的叶子;花托有狭窄的膜质苞片,花而不是花萼有2-3直立的带钩齿的尖齿刚毛,剩余果实。 * P (5) A (5) G (2)。下卵巢。 果实倒卵形,楔形,扁平,有两个锯齿状瘦果芒。由于这些芒,水果很容易附着在动物毛发、人的衣服上,并被长距离运输。 6 月下旬至 9 月开花;果实成熟于 9 月下旬至 10 月。 分布于几乎整个俄罗斯的欧洲部分、西伯利亚、中亚、高加索和远东。 它生长在潮湿的河岸、围垦运河、靠近池塘和湖泊、沼泽地、沟渠中,在那里它经常形成灌木丛。散落在草地上,就像菜园和田野里的杂草。 该序列是一种温暖且喜湿的植物。在寒冷多雨的春天,它生长缓慢,发育不良。 从绳子的叶子和花朵中可以得到亮黄色、奶油色和棕色染料,用于染色丝绸和羊毛织物。 它用于兽医学。 在年轻的时候,它被猪&a