Weapons of the German army during the Second World War on the Museum Panorama Battle of Stalingrad

Captured equipment and weapons of the German army during the Second World War on the territory of the Museum Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad. Light half-track armored personnel carrier . 250 - German light half-track armored personnel carrier during the Second World War. Mainly intended to transport half of the infantry squad. It was produced in several modifications for different needs. Combat weight - less than 6 tons. Crew - 2 people, Troopers - 4 people. Armament - 2 machine guns mm Mg-34 or Mg-42 Highway speed - 65 kilometers per hour. Years of issue - 1941 - 1945. A total of 6,628 armored personnel carriers of this type were manufactured. Fifty millimeter Pak anti-tank gun. 38 - German anti-tank gun during the Second World War. The first 2 guns entered the army in April 1940. The gun itself did not have time to start the French campaign. So, by July 1, 1940, there were only 17 guns in the troops. Large-scale production was started only by the end of the year. And by June 1, 1941, the troops had 1,047 guns. In 1943, the gun was removed from production as it was outdated and unable to withstand the new tanks of the anti-Hitler coalition. The caliber of the gun is 50 millimeters. Calculation - 5 people. The mass of the gun is about 1 ton. The mass of the projectile is 2 kilograms. The height of the gun is 1 meter 10 centimeters. The rate of fire is 12-14 v shots per minute. A total of 9568 guns of this type were manufactured. 20- millimeters anti-aircraft gun Flak 38 - anti-aircraft gun model 1938) - German 20- millimeters automatic anti-aircraft gun, developed by Mauser. Before the start of World War II, at the beginning of 1939, each Wehrmacht infantry division in the state relied on twelve 20- millimeters FlaK 38 anti-aircraft guns. During the Second World War, FlaK 38 were used as anti-aircraft guns and for firing at ground targets (including for hitting lightly armored vehicles: light tanks, tankettes, armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles, etc.). The guns were used until the end of World War II. The caliber of the gun is 20 millimeters. The mass of the gun is 450 kilograms. Calculation - 5-6 people. Rate of fire – 120 - 220 rounds per minute. 150 millimeters heavy field howitzer mod. 1918 —— German heavy field howitzer of 150 millimeters caliber during the Second World War. In general, the sFH 18 heavy field howitzer was a typical German weapon designed in the interwar period: a reliable, durable design, with not particularly outstanding, but quite satisfactory tactical and technical characteristics. The caliber of the gun is 150 millimeters. The mass of the gun is 5530 kilograms. The firing range is about 13 kilometers. Rate of fire - 4 rounds per minute. 88 millimeters FlaK anti-aircraft gun. 41 - German 88 millimeters anti-aircraft gun. The first sample appeared in 1941. During World War II, the Flak 41 cannon was produced in small quantities, entered the troops in small batches, was used as an anti-aircraft gun, or, in rare cases, as an anti-tank gun. The caliber of the gun is 88 millimeters. The mass of the gun is 11 tons. A total of 536 anti-aircraft guns were manufactured. And also in the exposition you can see a German assault boat of an unknown type. Erbeutete Ausrüstung und Waffen der deutschen Armee während des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf dem Territorium des Museums Panorama der Schlacht von Stalingrad. Leichter Halbkettenpanzerwagen . 250 - Deutscher leichter Schützenpanzerwagen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Hauptsächlich zum Transport der Hälfte des Infanterietrupps vorgesehen. Es wurde in mehreren Modifikationen für unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse hergestellt. Kampfgewicht - weniger als 6 Tonnen. Besatzung - 2 Personen, Soldaten - 4 Personen. Bewaffnung - 2 Maschinengewehre 7,92 mm Mg-34 oder Mg-42 Autobahngeschwindigkeit - 65 Kilometer pro Stunde. Ausgabejahre - 1941 - 1945. Insgesamt wurden Schützenpanzer dieses Typs hergestellt. 50-Millimeter-Pak-Panzerabwehrkanone. 38 - Deutsche Panzerabwehrkanone während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die ersten 2 Geschütze traten im April 1940 in die Armee ein. Die Waffe selbst hatte keine Zeit, den französischen Feldzug zu beginnen. Am 1. Juli 1940 befanden sich also nur 17 Geschütze in der Truppe. Erst Ende des Jahres wurde mit der Großserienfertigung begonnen. Und am 1. Juni 1941 verfügten die Truppen über Geschütze. 1943 wurde die Waffe aus der Produktion genommen, da sie veraltet war und den neuen Panzern der Anti-Hitler-Koalition nicht standhalten konnte. Das Kaliber der Waffe beträgt 50 Millimeter. Berechnung - 5 Personen. Die Masse der Waffe beträgt etwa 1 Tonne. Die Masse des Projektils beträgt 2 Kilogramm. Die Höhe der Waffe beträgt 1 Meter 10 Zentimeter. Die Feuerrate beträgt 12-14 V Schüsse pro Minute