Kirkha the house of unmarried sisters and house of single brothers in Staraya Sarepta Museum-Reserve

The Sarepta Kirkha is a Lutheran (originally Hernguter) church built in 1772, the oldest surviving Protestant church in Russia and the oldest stone building in Volgograd. The Sarepta church was a one-nave hall church without a transept with a belfry tower with a town hall clock and a spire with a weather vane, typical of the Protestant North and Central European architecture of the 18th century. The appearance of the Sarepta church was intended to symbolize the unity of spiritual and secular life in the village. The house of unmarried sisters, built in 1779, is located on the north side of Church Square and is a typical example of a residential building of the classicism period, typical for the ordinary building of the European settlements of the Evangelical brothers - herrnhuters of the 18th-19th centuries. The building of the choir of unmarried sisters is planned on the project of Sarepta in 1765 in the direction to the south-east from Kirkha, on the northern side of the square. According to A. Glich, in 1766 the sisters' house was still under construction. In one of the rooms they intended to arrange a temporary prayer hall. The built-on wing was temporarily occupied by single brothers. By 1769 the outbuilding of stone and brick was completed. By 1774, the rear building was built. In the wing there were 8 rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, washrooms, plumbing, 2 cellars. On the 2nd floor there is a pantry and a paneled bedroom, a pantry for flour and an attic for drying clothes. By 1779, the main choir stone two-story house was built, consecrated on November 28. The house of unmarried sisters was of great importance in the life of the Hernguters. Being the personification of the religious way of the community, the house was a certain step (stage) in the life of the sisters of the community. For example, girls who underwent the rite of confirmation (the transition of a child from childhood to adulthood) were included in the corporation of unmarried sisters. This happened at the age of 15, and from that moment the girls became full members of the community, they could be present at the conversations of the elders, make comments and suggestions on everyday and economic issues. During the fire of 1823, the buildings were not damaged. In 1830-1860. in the main house, in addition to residential and household premises, the prayer hall housed a school for girls. The building had about 10 rooms, incl. common bedrooms and living room. Wall painting in the XVIII-XIX centuries. it was made with whitewash with the addition of soot, blue, the platbands were whitened, the plinth was painted with whitewash with a mixture of ocher. At the beginning of the 20th century, a real school (school) was opened on the second floor of the building. In September 1914, the school was evicted; a canteen and a hotel were placed in its premises for mobilized soldiers on their way to Tsaritsyn. The volost government received an order from the governor to accept and provide food and housing for German families expelled from the frontline in Poland - about 1,000 people. The laundry at the sisters' house was also prepared to receive refugees. In 1930-1940. the house housed elementary school No. 55, after the war and until the end of the 1980s - a dispensary. Now the building is intended to house the administration and funds of the museum. Sarepta Kirkha는 1772년에 지어진 루터교(원래는 Hernguter) 교회로, 러시아에서 가장 오래 살아남은 개신교 교회이자 볼고그라드에서 가장 오래된 석조 건물입니다. Sarepta 교회는 시청 시계가 있는 종탑과 18세기 개신교 북부 및 중유럽 건축의 전형인 풍향계가 있는 첨탑이 있는 트랜셉트가 없는 1개의 본당 홀 교회였습니다. 사렙타 교회의 모습은 마을의 영적 삶과 세속적 삶의 일치를 상징하기 위한 것이었습니다. 1779년에 지어진 미혼자매의 집은 처치스퀘어 북쪽에 위치하고 있으며 복음주의 형제들의 유럽인 정착촌의 평범한 건물에 대한 전형적인 고전주의 시대 주거용 건물의 전형적인 예입니다. 18-19세기. 미혼 자매 합창단의 건축은 1765년 사렙타 프로젝트에서 광장 북쪽의 키르카에서 남동쪽으로 계획되었습니다. A. Glich에 따르면 1766년에 자매의 집은 아직 공사 중이었습니다. 방 중 하나에 임시 기도실을 마련하려고 했습니다. 빌트온 윙은 독신 형제들이 임시로 사용했습니다. 1769년까지 돌과 벽돌의 별채가 완성되었습니다. 1774년에는 뒷 건물이 지어졌습니다. 날개에는 8 개의 방, 식당, 주방, 화장실, 배관, 2 개의 지하실이 있습니다. 2층에는 식료품 저장실과 패널로 된 침실, 밀가루 식료품 저장실, 의류 건조를 위한 다락방이 있습니다. 1779년까지 11월 28일에 봉헌된 주 합창단 석조 2층 집이 지어졌습니다. 미혼 자매의 집은 Hernguters의 삶에서 매우 중요했습니다. 공동체의 종교적 방식의 의인화로서 집은 공동체의 자매들의 삶에서 어떤 단계(무대)였다. 예를 들어, 확인의례(어린 시절에서 성인으로의 전환)를 거친 소녀들은 미혼 자매 기업에 포함되었습니다. 이것은 15세 때 일어났고, 그 &#