St. Nikitskaya Church in Volgograd built 1795 Свято-Никитская церковь в Волгограде построена в 1795

St. Nikitskaya Church in Volgograd was built in 1795. Volgograd St. Nikita Church was built in the 18th century at the expense of a patron, a favorite of the Empress Nikita Beketov. Being a pupil of the gentry corps, Nikita participated in performances given in the presence of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and attracted her attention. After graduation from the corps, Prime Major Beketov was enrolled as an adjutant to Count A. G. Razumovsky, and soon the favorite was promoted to the rank of colonel and received rich estates as gifts from the Empress. In the middle of the 18th century, by order of Empress Catherine II, Nikita Afanasyevich was appointed governor of Astrakhan, after a while - a senator and received land near the Tsaritsyn fortress, where he founded the village of Otrada, which became his estate (currently the territory of the village belongs to Volgograd). In 1782, Beketov created a church for his patron saint, Nikita the Confessor. For the construction of the Volgograd temple, Nikita Afanasyevich took possession of a factory built of bricks and in its place St. Nikitsky Church was built and the refectory, the bell tower and the dome remained wooden. Years later, the church began to collapse, in 1867 the eminent landowner of Tsaritsyn, Valerian Popov, took up the repair of the building and donated 120 rubles for repairs, in addition to 400 rubles from parish money. Wooden windows and doors were replaced in the church, and a gatehouse was built. In the same year, the wooden bell tower was rebuilt into a stone one, after which they began to build side chapels to the church. To this day, Dutch stoves in the aisles and wrought iron bars on the windows have been preserved. 伏尔加格勒的圣尼基茨卡亚教堂建于 1795 年。 伏尔加格勒圣尼基塔教堂建于 18 世纪,赞助人是尼基塔·别克托夫皇后的最爱。作为绅士军团的学生,尼基塔参加了伊丽莎白·彼得罗芙娜皇后在场的表演,并引起了她的注意。从军团毕业后,别克托夫少校被招入 A. G. 拉祖莫夫斯基伯爵的副官,很快这位宠儿就被提升为上校军衔,并从皇后那里得到了丰厚的遗产。 18 世纪中叶,在叶卡捷琳娜二世皇后的命令下,尼基塔·阿法纳西耶维奇被任命为阿斯特拉罕总督,一段时间后,他成为了一名参议员,并在察里津要塞附近获得了土地,在那里他建立了奥特拉达村,这成为了他的庄园(目前该村的领土属于伏尔加格勒)。 1782年,别克托夫为他的守护神尼基塔忏悔者创建了一座教堂。 为了建造伏尔加格勒神庙,尼基塔·阿法纳西耶维奇拥有了一座砖砌的工厂,并在其位置建造了圣尼基茨基教堂,食堂、钟楼和圆顶仍然是木制的。 多年后,教堂开始倒塌,1867 年,察里津著名的地主瓦莱里安·波波夫 (Valerian Popov) 承担了对建筑物的维修工作,并捐赠了 120 卢布进行维修,此外还从教区捐款 400 卢布。教堂更换了木制门窗,并建造了门楼。同年,木制钟楼被改建为石制钟楼,之后他们开始建造教堂的小礼拜堂。时至今日,过道上的荷兰炉灶和窗户上的铁艺栏杆都被保留了下来。 ヴォルゴグラードの聖ニキーツカヤ教会は1795年に建てられました。 ヴォルゴグラード聖ニキータ教会は、皇后ニキータベケトフのお気に入りである後援者を犠牲にして18世紀に建てられました。ニキータは紳士軍団の弟子であり、エリザヴェータ・ペトロヴナ皇后の前で行われた公演に参加し、彼女の注目を集めました。軍団を卒業した後、ベケトフ少佐はA. G.ラズモフスキー伯爵の副官として登録され、すぐにお気に入りは大佐に昇進し、皇后からの贈り物として豊かな財産を受け取りました。 18世紀半ば、エカチェリーナ2世皇后の命令により、ニキータアファナシエビッチはしばらくしてアストラカンの知事に任命され、上院議員となり、ツァリツィン要塞の近くに土地を受け&