Spring Tulip Watercolor Painting Tutorial

Step by step instruction on how to paint a Tulip flower using watercolor paints. One hour lesson for older kids, teens and adults. Very fun and colorful. Required Materials: • Reference photo • Pencil and eraser • Watercolor paper (I recommend paper that is 100% cotton and acid free.) • Two cups of water • Watercolor paint • Paint palette • Watercolor brush (Buy the best brush you can afford. A large round #10 brush is a great starter brush.) • Paper towel • Scrap piece of watercolor paper Optional Materials: • Ball point pen • Masking fluid • Brush with silicone tip (To apply masking fluid.) • Bar of soap (I use Masters Brush Cleaner) • Kitchen sponge • Painters tape • Waterproof paper surface (I recommend a cheap plastic cutting board.) • Ruler • Salt • Eye dropper • Metalic silver paint