axle turning cnc lathe - double side turning lathe

Are you looking for a machine tool that can efficiently, precisely, and diversely process both ends of shaft parts? You must check out our Double Turret CNC Lathe! This is a combination machine tool controlled by a dual-channel system. It has a turret or a tool post at both ends, and a hollow chuck spindle drive in the middle. Short workpieces use a single spindle, and long workpieces use a double spindle. It can also be equipped with a support to fix the workpiece. It can perform synchronous or asynchronous turning and milling operations at both ends. Its main purpose is to process both ends of shaft parts, such as automobile axle forks, flywheels, rear axle half shafts, yokes, etc. Its main advantages are: Synchronous or asynchronous processing of double turrets: It can choose the synchronous or asynchronous processing mode of the upper and lower turrets according to the shape and processing requirements of the workpiece, realizing different combinations of trajectories and processe