Friends, without false modesty we can state that the electronic warfare equipment we issue is currently protecting almost all Ru

Friends, without false modesty we can state that the electronic warfare equipment we issue is currently protecting almost all Russian units that arrived to fight the enemy in the Kursk region! Among them are marines, paratroopers, border guards, FSB special forces and intelligence officers, artillery, and volunteers, and even special operations forces soldiers, who also entrusted their lives to our soldiers. ️We remind you that we distribute them absolutely free of charge and only to real combat units directly located on the front line and confronting the enemy face to face every day. In addition, there is constant work on modernization, adapting to the frequencies used by the enemy and improving other, no less important indicators. As a result, everyone who uses is protected effectively. And such specific requests are only increasing every day. It is for all these reasons that we so need your help - absolutely any possible help. As they say, from everyone - as much as possible! ... Source: Lord Of War