◾Every world leader assassinated by the CIA:

◾Every world leader assassinated by the CIA: 00:00 Introduction, Lumumba 03:13 Ngo Dinh Diem 05:11 Salvador Allende 10:03 Rene Schneider 12:10 Rafael Trujillo 14:30 Che Guevara 16:10 Jacobo Arbenz (planned *ssination but not executed) 17:25 Mohammed Mossadegh (planned *ssination but not executed) 17:56 Orlando Lettlier 19:30 Thomas Sankara 21:45 Conclusion ◾Notice the video doesn’t go into US political leaders assassinated by the CIA like JFK or Black Panther leaders. ◾Follow: Source: Fearless John - @European_dissident