Albert Bouchard - Galileo Galilei

LYRICS: Galileo trains his glass Across the night's cold stars And finds the curve for Venus The path for Earth and Mars 'Trajectories' he whispers pleased 'From earth to sun, from God to men Ellipses traced across the sky Etched there days before the Garden' Galileo inhaled the light And challenged faith with no regrets Then whispered to his God above 'I've learned your sweetest secrets' 'I'll tell the truth I know In hope and faith and love Listen to this prophet's voice And man below will rise above In shock God turned his face away Plunging the gazer into darkness 'Heretic' men hissed at him 'Retract your sinner's lie, You must confess Galilei in deepest dark From which celestial light had fled Recants the truth and to his shame Sighing gasps, 'I was misled' Galileo, ten years dying Leaves the world in darkness scheming Entom