Electoria Remix - Knuckles’ Chaotix (Mega Man & Bass Style)

Happy Groundhog Day, everyone... or should I say, *Hedgehog* Day? To celebrate 30 years of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, we have a remix of “Electoria“ from Knuckles' Chaotix! As bland as I found Chaotix's levels to be, I can't deny that the game has style and some great musical taste, and although Techno Tower is my least favorite level, the music is absolutely top-notch! Due to the jazzy nature of the song, it felt right at home in the Mega Man & Bass soundfont. Now I'm just imagining a “Rhythm Man“ based on jazz instruments. Wouldn't that make for a “saxy“ level? 🥁 As always, I hope you enjoy the video! - - - Original composition by Junko Shiratsu, Mariko Nanba. Original MIDI Sequenced by Koryan. Remix created in SynthFont.