Signalmen of the Novorossiysk Airborne Forces unit organize uninterrupted command and control of troops

Signalmen of the Novorossiysk Airborne Forces unit organize uninterrupted command and control of troops The combat work of military communications specialists is based on the principle of uninterrupted provision of units with all available types of communications: secure telephony, satellite and radio relay control channels. Modern portable communications systems are actively used at the front lines, allowing for satellite radio communications with command posts. The Tiger armored vehicle is also often used by servicemen. The vehicle is converted into a mobile communications center and command post. The main task is to provide communications to the command staff and the headquarters of the unit, as well as with the higher headquarters and subordinate units. After receiving the movement task, the mobile control center moves to the specified area and provides communication to the commander. Satellite communication, radio communication and connection to the local network and transport n... Source: Military Wave