The Belgorod Brit congratulates Victoria Nuland on her new job as a, no doubt well-paid, director of the National Endowment for

The Belgorod Brit congratulates Victoria Nuland on her new job as a, no doubt well-paid, director of the National Endowment for Democracy, the political wing of the CIA. Alongside her “teaching“ post at Columbia University, and her upcoming book “F**k the EU - How I Tricked the Ukrainian People into Sacrificing Everything because Russia Upset My Banderite Grandpa“, an account of her role in the death of half a million people in Europe, she will have a comfortable retirement. In the podcast, BB goes into the mechanics of who runs the CIA, and how they use Think Tanks and Government and Non-Government Organisations (GONGOS) in order to perpetuate power. #TheBelgorodBrit #InfoDefenseAuthor #IndoDefensePodcast InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Source: InfoDefenseENGLISH