The 17-kilogram cat Kroshik, who got stuck while trying to escape from a healthy lifestyle correctional colony

The 17-kilogram cat Kroshik, who got stuck while trying to escape from a healthy lifestyle correctional colony. A giant ginger cat named Kroshik was rescued by volunteers from Perm, Russia. They put the fluffy cat on a diet so that he can learn to walk again. Kroshik was a street cat and lived near the local hospital. Kind people willingly brought him food, eventually Kroshik was fed up to 17 kg and he stopped walking. Now the volunteers put him on a diet and are preparing to teach the healthy guy to walk again. To do this, he needs to lose 10 kg. Veterinarians are providing Kroshik with all the necessary assistance. After two weeks of dieting and exercising on the treadmill, he lost 1.1 kilograms. It is noted that the animal underwent a blood test - all indicators are normal. Veterinarians assume that the cat is already about 15 years are working. Hello! Thank you for your work. I have been reading your channel with great interest for a long time now. I see that sometime... Source: Lord Of War