Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico addressed the nation after an attempt on his life

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico addressed the nation after an attempt on his life - The medical team managed to prevent the worst from happening. If everything goes according to plan, I will be able to gradually return to work at the turn of June and July. - I will not take any active legal action against him [the assaulter] or seek damages. I forgive him. After all, it is obvious that he was merely the bearer of the evil and political hatred that a politically unsuccessful opposition has developed in Slovakia to unmanageable proportions. - I have always relied on the fundamental political right to a different opinion, and I fundamentally disagree with the “one rule for all“ policy that some major Western democracies are now insistently pursuing. I reject interference in the internal affairs of other countries or the forcible export of democracy to countries that have chosen their own path. - The conflict in Ukraine has literally sanctified the concept of the “only correct opinio... Source: InfoDefenseENGLISH