#AskRaghav | 4 Scenario based Selenium Interview Ques

All Free Tutorials 🟢 00:00 Intro 00:30 Scenario 1: You are asked to automate a test case that requires you to scroll to the bottom of a page. How would you do this? Answer: There are a few ways to do this: Scroll to element Scroll by given amount Scroll from an element by a given amount Scroll from an element with an offset Scroll from a offset of origin (element) by given amount _______________________________________________ 03:09 Scenario 2: You are asked to automate a test case that requires you to click on a button that is only visible after a certain condition is met. How would you do this? Answer: One way to do this is to use an explicit wait. An explicit wait is a wait tha ... #RaghavPal #Selenium_Scenario-Based_Interview_Questions #Selenium_Automation #Scroll_to_Bottom_of_Page #Automating_Conditional_Click #Handling_JavaScript_Alerts #Interacting_with_Iframes #Web_Application_Testing 20231116 cftENRkyk40