ESPN Extreme Games / 1 Xtreme (PS1)

This video was captured using the actual game on an actual Playstation 2. Loading times have been removed for your consideration and enjoyment. This was a launch title for the Playstation. This was also developed by Sony's own internal studio. Back then, Sony Interactive Studios made some of the best games around. I first played this game on the demo disc that came with my Playstation. It had only one track and you could only use roller blades. I played the demo over and over again until I finally just bought it. Not even the demo did this game justice. This game is so so so much fun to play. The wipeouts are absolutely hysterical, and if you're not wiping out the computer is. Most who have never seen this game before will most likely compare it to Road Rash. However there are many dynamics to this game that clearly separate this title from Road Rash. First, you have your choice of 4 different vehicles. A street luge, bike, skate board , and roller blades. Also you'll notice the ga