Marcel Dupré - Placare Christe servulis (Le Tombeau de Titelouze) - Ben Bloor

Placare Christe servulis (Op. 38, No. 16) from Le Tombeau de Titelouze performed by Ben Bloor on the 45 stop 1954 Downes/Walker organ of the London Oratory Church on Thursday 18th October 2022. Teacher of both Jean Langlais and Olivier Messiaen to name a few, Marcel Dupré (1886-1971) was an extremely influential figure in 20th century Parisian organ music, both as a teacher and a composer. This brief tour-de-force prelude provides an appropriately celebratory mood for the feast of All Saints. The chant 'Placare Christe servulis' is the text of the Vespers hymn. This piece comes from 'Le Tombeau de Titelouze' a set of 16 chorale preludes based on well-known plainchant melodies, in devoted homage to one of the pioneers of the genre, Jean Titelouze (1563-1633), who himself composed many versets on plainsong hymns for specific use during the liturgy. Ben Bloor is Organist at the London Oratory Church, School Organist at Westminster School and a Junior Fellow at the Royal Birm